It's Always Raining At This One-Of-A-Kind Cafe

Rain Report Cafe in Seoul, South Korea, is a coffee shop that has more on its menu than just food. With a fully-immersive experience, guests are greeted by the sound of calming raindrops as soon as they enter. In fact, water drips, ripples and flows through every facet of the cafe. Launched earlier this year, Rain Report Cafe serves an array of premium coffee, unique cocktails, ice cream, and pastries. The real attraction, of course, is the ambiance. Minimalist in design, light dances on the walls and ceilings as it reflects off the water, providing a sense of calm. According to the locals, the taste of the coffee increases through the humidity and makes the ritual much more attractive. Along with being selfie-worthy, the overall experience leaves you in a state of relaxation.