No Bad News

In today’s world, there seems to be more bad news than good news. The truth is, there’s just as much good news out there; the media just isn’t reporting it. If you’re tired of being fed only bad news by the media, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll find lighthearted news: inspirational, funny, uplifting and interesting.

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Ohio Supreme Court Says Boneless Chicken Wings Can Have Bones

Just because you order boneless chicken wings at a restaurant doesn’t mean you shouldn’t expect to find bones. That’s what the Ohio Supreme Court said in a 4-3 ruling issued Thursday. The court ruled that bones are a natural part of chicken, so a consumer should be on guard for them — even in boneless wings. The ruling came after Michael Berkheimer ordered boneless wings with Parmesan garlic sauce at the BBQ restaurant Wings on Brookwood in April 2016. On the third piece, he felt something go down the wrong pipe. He unsuccessfully tried clearing his throat and later that night began running a fever. The next day, a doctor removed the chicken bone, but Berkheimer ended up with an infection and endured two surgeries. He sued the restaurant, but the Butler County Common Pleas Court trial judge decided that consumers should be on guard for the possibility of bones in boneless chicken. The 12th District Court of Appeals agreed, and the case headed to the Ohio Supreme Court. Berkheimer argued that boneless means boneless, but the court disagreed.
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Expert Reveals Ingenious Way To Start Your Car With a Dead Key Fob

Sam Herrera, an employee at Elmhurst BMW in Elmhurst, Illinois, proved that you can start your vehicle with a dead key fob. He says you just have to stick the key fob onto the steering wheel, press its key icon, put your foot on the brake, and hit the vehicle’s start button. This method works not only if the key fob is dead, but also if the vehicle can’t read the battery. Key fobs are electronic devices that allow someone to control a car without using actual keys. These tiny devices have become more common in modern vehicles, so Herrera’s tip is priceless. A regular key fob can usually operate for 4-6 years, and smart key fobs typically last for 2-3 years. Factors like poor signal strength, delays in locking and unlocking a vehicle, and needing multiple clicks are things to look out for when questioning a key fob battery. 

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Crazed Turkey Filmed Attacking Car and Leaving Deep Scratches In the Paint

Alicia Mastroianni got the surprise of her life when she discovered a crazed turkey had attacked her Audi convertible and scratched the paintwork. The 26-year-old was about to head out again after her night shift at Boston Children’s Hospital when she noticed a note on her car’s windshield. The note was from one of her neighbors who had watched a massive turkey attack on Mastroianni’s car, which took place over a period of 15 minutes. The neighbor explained that she tried to scare the turkey away, but it ignored her. “Not sure what insurance coverage there is for a car’s turkey attacks,” read the note. "You can't just say, 'Oh, my car was attacked by a turkey.' Without proof, it sounds insane,” said Mastroianni. She was finally able to secure a copy of the video from her neighbor, and with proof in hand filed a claim with her insurance company. As it turns out, her auto insurance policy had a clause for “parked car animal violence,” which she thought was funny because it definitely fit her needs. Unfortunately, because Mastroianni had a $500 deductible, she ended up paying for the repairs herself. She’s hoping that Farmers Insurance will reach out to her for a commercial, as the turkey attacking her car would make a great one.

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The Medications You Should Never Take With Coffee

It’s a key part of most Americans’ morning routine: Wake up, take your meds, and make a cup of coffee. However, taking certain drugs alongside your morning cup of Joe could lead to disastrous side effects and severe complications, including high blood pressure and uncontrolled bleeding. Pharmacists have revealed the commonly taken drugs that could interact with coffee and other caffeinated beverages. These medications include: 

  • Antipsychotics like Clozapine and Olanzapine — Coffee reduces the amount of the medication is absorbed by the body. 
  • Antidepressants like Nardil, Lubox, and Fluvoxamine — Coffee can cause a dangerous increase in blood pressure and prevent the body from properly metabolizing the caffeine. 
  • Antibiotics like Levofloxacin and Ciprofloxacin (also called Cipro) — Coffee can cause these medications to increase the caffeine levels in the blood. 
  • Diabetes medications like Insulin and Metformin — Coffee can increase blood sugar, making the medication less effective. 
  • Blood pressure medications like Propranolol, Dilatrend and Metoprolol — Coffee increases your heart rate and ultimately increases your blood pressure. These medications should not be taken for 2 hours before having coffee or 4 hours after. 
  • Blood thinners like Warfarin and Plavix — The caffeine in coffee can inhibit the breakdown of blood thinners, leaving to more of the drug lingering in the body and putting you at risk of excessive bleeding. 
  • Alzheimers drugs like Rivastigmine and Donepezil — Coffee tightens the blood-brain barrier, making it more difficult for the medication to reach the brain, ultimately reducing its effectiveness. 
  • Thyroid medications like Levothyroxine — Coffee can reduce the amount of the drug that is absorbed by the body by as much as 50%. 
  • Osteoporosis medications like Actonel and Ibandronate — Taking these drugs with coffee can cause them to not be properly absorbed by the body, making them less effective. 
  • Asthma medications like Aminophylline and Theophylline — Coffee can exacerbate the drugs’ side effects like irritability and restlessness. 
  • Over-the-counter cold medications like Sudafed, Mucinex and Sinex — Coffee stimulates cells in the brain that are responsible for the “fight or flight” response, making you feel jittery and anxious. 
  • ADHD medications like Vyvanse, Ritalin and Adderall — Coffee makes these drugs less effective and can lead to increased hyperactivity.
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