Daily Inspiration

Bad News, Good News

No one likes to be the bearer of bad news. Yet, we sometimes find ourselves in that situation, and there’s nothing we can do about it. The prophet Amos found himself in that position. He was to bring a message of God’s judgment on the people of Israel and tell them that Israel would be conquered because the people rejected God. Amaziah, who served as the most important priest in Bethel, didn’t like the message either. He wanted Amos to stop proclaiming this bad news and to return to his own people. Yet, Amos did not stop. Instead, he pointed out that he must proclaim what the Lord says. (Amos 7:10-15) Often, we find ourselves in the same shoes as Amos. Someone we care about is saying or doing something that God says they shouldn’t, and when we bring it to their attention, they're less than receptive. Fortunately, the message of the Lord is not only bad news. He also proclaims the good news that He has saved us from our sin. He points us to Jesus, and in that news we hear a message that surpasses any bad news we could possibly hear. We hear how He has rescued us from our condemnation through Jesus. What greater message can there be for us to share?