Daily Inspiration

A Clear Conscience

“Hear a just cause, O Lord; attend to my cry. Give ear to my prayer from lips free of deceit.” — Psalm 17:1 


The importance of maintaining a clear conscience before God can’t be overstated. Paul spoke about his conscience confirming through the Holy Spirit that he was doing the right thing. (Romans 9:1) We should be careful not to sin against our own conscience, because that becomes a heavy burden to bear. David invited God to examine and test him, for he was sure he had committed no evil, nor had he sinned with his mouth. (Psalm 17:2-3) David felt sure that he had held firmly to the Word of God and that God would answer him when he called on Him. Sadly, too often we try to operate in faith while having a guilty conscience. When we repent of sin, God not only forgives our sins, he removes the guilt that comes it. Therefore, we can always walk before God with a clear conscience if we pursue purity of life and are quick to repent when we do sin.