Recipe of the Day

Banana-Oatmeal Paratha (Indian Bread)

Servings: 4

  • • 3 Bananas
  •  • 2 Eggs
  •  • 3 Tbsp oatmeal
  •  • Olive oil

  • • Remove the tips from the bananas and peel them.
  •  • Slice 2 of the bananas into rounds and mash the remaining banana.
  •  • In a small bowl, add mashed banana and eggs and mix to combine.
  •  • Pour olive oil in a skillet and place the remaining banana rounds into the pan, covering the entire bottom of the pan.
  •  • Pour the egg and mashed banana mixture into the pan and use a spoon to smooth the mixture over all the banana rounds.
  •  • Cover the skillet and cook for 10 minutes.
  •  • Using a plate, cover the skillet and turn the mixture over, cover the pan and cook for an additional 5 minutes.
  •  • Place honey or your favorite fruit on top.