Donkey Meat From Amazon Is Off the Dinner Table in California

Amazon is done making an ass of itself…… well as selling snacks made out of ass. The digital marketplace will no longer allow Californians to buy hundreds of donkey-based snacks listed on the platform as part of a settlement. Don’t worry, you can still buy them in the other 49 states. A quick Amazon search for “ejiao” will result in hundreds of products containing gelatin made of donkey hide. In 2019, The Donkey Sanctuary reported that the ejiao trade was responsible for nearly 5 million donkey deaths and contributes to their decimating global population. The trade became a $7.8 billion industry in 2020, and Amazon has raked in some of those profits through the sale of ejiao on its platform. Donkey skin was originally considered a delicacy that promotes wellness. The Center for Contemporary Equine Studies, a nonprofit organization fighting for horse and donkey rights, filed a legal complaint against Amazon in February, claiming the sale of ejiao violated a California law that prohibits the slaughter and sale of horse meat for human consumption. The Center says donkeys are in the equine family, so horse meat includes donkeys.