Doctors Debunk the Myth That Too Much Fruit Is Bad For You

Fruit has been maligned by many who argue that the sugar content cancels out its nutritional value, but now doctors are stepping up to say that’s a myth. Apples, blueberries, bananas, oranges, and dozens of other fruits are nutrient-dense and low in calories, with a wide range of benefits — from reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease to some types of cancer. Unfortunately, many people discount fruit as too high in sugar to be healthy. Nutrition experts beg to differ, insisting that the type of sugar the body takes in makes a big difference. It’s nearly impossible to take in too much fructose — the sugar in fruit — and it has the least impact on your blood sugar, making it safe for diabetics. Unlike sucrose, which can raise blood sugar levels, fructose needs to be converted into glucose by the liver before it can be used by the body. That means it doesn’t cause a massive spike in blood sugar. Fruit is also packed with fiber, which delays digestion and helps regulate ghrelin, a hormone that signals appetite. Soluble fiber also helps lower blood sugar and cholesterol, which means a cup of blackberries or blueberries or an apple will lower LDL (bad) cholesterol. One word of caution, though: people should be wary of fruit juices because they're commonly loaded with unnecessary sugar. So, if you’re not sleeping well, if you have problems with irregularity, or if you’ve found yourself packing on the pounds, this may be the time to make the switch from sugary snacks to fruit.