Whatever Happened to Daylight Saving Time Going Away?

It will soon be time for our clocks to “fall back” — Sunday, Nov. 3, 2024 is the date we end daylight saving time and return to standard time. So whatever happened to those bills in Congress aiming to abolish the time changes? The Sunshine Protection Act was a federal bill that would make daylight saving time permanent. If enacted, it would have taken effect on Nov. 5. 2023, the date we would otherwise have changed our clocks. The bill passed the Senate in March of 2022, but it wasn’t taken up by the House of Representatives. To become law, it would have had to pass the House and then be signed by the president. At this point, that ship has sailed. Apparently, passing the bill just never seemed to be a priority for lawmakers. Until a federal law passes, we’re stuck with changing our clocks twice a year — unless, of course, you want to move to Hawaii or Arizona, the two states that have opted out of daylight saving time.