The Petticoat Duel

When most people think of duels, they conjure up an image in their mind of two men pointing pistols at each other. It turns out that men aren’t the only ones who have engaged in duels. In 1792, a duel between Lady Almeria Braddock and Mrs. Elphinstone started over a conversation about Lady Braddock. Mrs. Elphinstone questioned whether Lady Braddock was really 30 years old, suggesting she might actually be twice that age. It was clearly a sensitive subject for Lady Braddock, who demanded satisfaction via a duel. The two women met in Hyde Park and initially exchanged pistol shots, the only casualty being Lady Braddock’s hat. Swords were then drawn and the women crossed blades until Mrs. Elphinstone received a minor wound to her arm. Following her wounding, Mrs. Elphinstone wisely decided to apologize to Lady Braddock for doubting her age, and the women put down their weapons. Perhaps Miss Manners got the idea for her advice from the duel: "Never ask a lady her age."