Man Spends the Day Telling People At Walmart Their Babies Are Ugly

A California man was arrested recently after dozens of calls were received at the Ventura Police Department from people complaining about a man who was telling parents that their babies are ugly. Dylan MacEwan stood outside Walmart on South Victoria Boulevard, approaching parents with babies, taking a look at the child, and then if he thought they were ugly, he would say so. Many parents blew the 36-year-old off as just an emotionally disturbed individual, but several left in tears at the mean things he said about their babies. MacEwan defended himself by saying he might be a jerk, but at least he’s an honest jerk. Regardless of his being “honest,” he was still harassing people, and public harassment is against the law. MacEwan has a history of being a “truth teller” and was arrested in the past for harassment and intimidation for telling overweight people on the beach that they needed to cover up or they may be “mistaken for a whale and harpooned.” Sgt. Larry Denton of the Ventura Police Department says the district attorney is well aware of MacEwan as a repeat offender. MacEwan was placed on a 72-hour psychological hold pending further charges.