These Bizarre Items Bought By Excited Shoppers Will Leave You Scratching Your Head

We’ve all made some bizarre impulse purchases over the years, whether it was a quirky gadget or a piece of novelty clothing. There’s no better place to show off your buyer’s remorse than on social media, and it turns out that a good many people take to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to garner a bit of sympathy and camaraderie for their regretful buys. While the cat tongue licker pictured above definitely meets the criteria for weird purchases, here are some other impulse buys that are right there up with it.


One trendsetter decided to up the ante on farmhouse fashion by snagging a “poultry purse.”

This cat looked a bit overwhelmed by the literature his owner brought home.

This lucky — or unlucky — Star Wars fan got surprised when his wife purchased some lightsaber chopsticks so he could enjoy his ramen noodles with a little flair.

Silly goose! One shopper was delighted to lounge around with huge plush geese.

Nothing will keep your cat out of the shower like this unique shower curtain.

Who doesn’t want to walk around the house in fishy feet???

Just too tired to hold your head up to read your tablet? Not to worry, now you don’t have to.