Nutritionists Warn of 3 New Year’s Diets That Are Not Only Dangerous But Will Make You Fatter

’Tis the season for a “New Year, New Me.” Whether it’s buying a gym membership or embarking on a diet, millions of Americans start off the new year with the resolution to lose weight. Now, as the nation’s health kick begins, experts are urging dieters to avoid three popular diets at all cost. First, the celebrity-backed juice cleanse could leave you with severe nutrient deficiencies. This diet involves only consuming juices made from fruits and vegetables. Second, cutting carbs could increase your risk of cancer. Eliminating carbs cuts out foods with vital nutrients and increases bad cholesterol levels, which could lead to a risk of cancer and heart disease. A low-carb diet is no more effective for weight loss than a low-fat diet. Third, going up and down on the scales will make you fatter in the end. The pattern — otherwise known as yo-yo dieting — is highly criticized as a health hazard that leads to fluctuating levels of insulin, which is necessary to maintain blood sugar. Quick weight loss involves cutting entire food groups, which can lead to nutrient deficiencies and lasting health issues. Now you’re probably wondering what a healthy diet really looks like. There’s simply no way around it: 

  • • Eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables a day (frozen, dried and canned fruits and vegetables count). 
  • • Eat 30 grams of fiber a day. 
  • • Have some dairy or dairy alternatives, but choose lower fat and lower sugar options. 
  • • Eat protein every day — 45 grams for women, 55 grams for men. 
  • • Limit saturated fat — 20 grams for women, 30 grams for men. 
  • • Drink 6-8 cups of water a day. 
  • • Limit salt intake to 6 grams a day (1 teaspoon).