The “Mother of All Breaches” Sees 26 Billion Records Leaked Online

Cybersecurity researchers raised the alarm this week after discovering what they call the “Mother of All Breaches” (MOAB). With 26 billion records leaked online, experts say this is the single biggest data leak in history. Sensitive records from popular sites, including Twitter, Dropbox, My Fitness Pal, and Linkedin were discovered on an unsecured site, which experts say could spark a tsunami of cybercrime. So, is your data safe? The easiest way to see if you have been affected is to use a data breach checker like Cybernews' data leak checker. Researchers say they have logged over 70% of the files in the breach and are aiming to have the checker fully updated by the end of the week. If you have been a victim of the MOAB, you should immediately change your passwords. Use strong, hard-to-guess passwords, enable multi-factor authentication on all important accounts, keep an eye for phishing attempts, check for password duplicates, and immediately set up new protection for accounts that share the same passwords.