Pink Mold: The Uninvited Guest in Your Sink

Pink mold is more common that you might think. It’s actually a bacteria known as Serratia marcescens and is found naturally in soil, food and animals. It thrives in moist environments and doesn’t need much to survive. Aside from your sink, this pink bacteria can make a home on various surfaces, especially in bathrooms. You might find pink mold on shower curtains, shower walls and even in the soap scum that builds up over time. It loves to lurk in damp areas, so your shower is like a 5-star hotel for these uninvited guests. For most people, pink mold is more of a nuisance than a health threat. However, for those with compromised immune systems, open wounds, or bladder infections, pink mold can pose health risks and has been linked to UTIs and pneumonia. That’s why it’s important to tackle pink mold as soon as you spot it to minimize the risks. What causes pink mold? One possible cause is too much iron in your water, particularly if you’re using well water. A water filtration system can solve that problem. Another common cause is airborne bacteria that can enter through open bathroom windows or be stirred up during construction or remodeling. When residue from liquid soap, bath soap, or even shampoo combine with the warm water and damp environment, it creates the perfect breeding ground for pink mold growth. You can prevent pink mold by keeping your bathroom well ventilated and dry. Regularly wipe down surfaces to prevent water from pooling, and keep shower doors and curtains open to air out. To remove pink mold, mix white vinegar and hot water in a spray bottle. Apply it to the affected area and let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing with a soft bristle brush. Remember to wear rubber gloves to protect your hands.