The House With Two Addresses

There are border towns all over the world where houses or entire areas sometimes move from one country to another when the border shifts, but what happens when the border goes through your front door? The town of Baarle is home to the craziest border situation in the world, with dozens of enclaves dotting the area, with their borders running criss-cross through everything — including houses. This means that people could have their kitchen in one country and their dining room in another, a situation that created such an administrative headache that it was decided that a house on the border belongs to the country in which its front door faces. This is not a perfect solution, as is exemplified with the house has two addresses:  Loveren 2 in Baarle-Hertog and Loveren 19 in Baarle-Nassau. That's because its front door is exactly on the border. Because of this, it was decided to give the house two addresses, one in Belgium and one in the Netherlands. In fact, the owners of the house were allowed to choose which municipality they belong to, as well as from where they get their utilities. Apparently, most inhabitants choose Belgium because most things are cheaper there. During World War II, the Dutch military commandeered the house, not knowing that it was on the border. The Belgian government insisted that the beds be moved, as Dutch soldiers were allowed to sleep in Belgium, but not work there. Today the house, which was built in the 17th century as a tavern, is a private residence and one of the most photographed places in the town.