Military Missile Spent Over 100 Years As a Garden Decoration In Wales

A bomb squad was recently called to the home of Sian and Jeffrey Edwards after it was discovered that a decoration that had adorned their garden for over a century was identified as a 19th century military bomb. The Edwards lived in the house in Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire, Wales, for 41 years. The previous owner of the house — Pop Morris — told them that the object had been in the garden for decades. It turns out that Morris had pedaled lemonade at one time and happened to be down by the beach in Broad Haven one day when he spotted the bomb. He put it on the back of his cart and had a bouncy 7-mile ride back home. He plopped it down in the garden, and that’s where it has remained all these years. The bomb squad examined what they thought might be an inert military missile, but discovered it was actually a live bomb from a military warship they estimated was from between 1880 and 1890. The bomb was taken to an old quarry and detonated. Technicians say that Morris and the Edwards were fortunate, because the bomb had a very small charge.