Missouri Woman Sets Up Mothering Concierge Service For Homesick College Students

Mindy Horwitz knew first-hand about the struggle of sending her kids off to college, which is why she started a business that allows parents to help their children through school. MindyKNOWS gives parents peace of mind by doing everything from delivering treats to helping assemble dorm furniture. Horwitz said college students away from home often feel helpless, but a local mom or a team of moms can help them adjust better. Services provided by Horwitz include ironing, decorating, and even making home-cooked meals for college kids. In addition, the “moms” are always there to answer questions like where to get haircut or which doctors in town are the best. She began the service at her son’s college, Washington University in St. Louis, but has now expanded to three more campuses. The basic monthly rate is $49, but could cost more based on location. Parents can also pay for a subscription for a semester, a year, or 4 years.