If You See a Painted Purple Fence Post, This is What it Means

If you’re the type who likes to travel, take mini-vacations, or just enjoys outdoor adventures, you may have come across a purple fence post. The laws vary from state to state, but generally a purple fence means no trespassing. While property owners may still choose to use the familiar “No Trespassing” signs, they’re often stolen, damaged, or wear out over time. A quick coat of purple paint can be easily applied to different land markers and has staying power. In addition to purple fence posts, you might even see purple trees. The color purple can also be distinguished by those who are color blind. If you’re considering using purple fence posts yourself, there are a few things you should know. The purple stripes need to be vertical and at least one inch wide, 8 inches long, 3-5 feet off the ground, and no more than 100 feet apart. Any paint will work if you’re using it on a fence, but use latex or spray paint for trees. Make sure your paint is clearly visible and marks the correct boundary.