Nestled among rolling green hills on the outskirts of Perth, Australia, lies an incredible Japanese-inspired estate that hides a secret. The state-of-the-art mansion sits on a picturesque 48-acre property and is made up of a series of interconnected pavilions scattered between landscaped Koi ponds and lush leafy gardens. Designed to embrace the stunning natural sounds, each of the home’s pavilions houses spaces that can be opened up to the outdoors to create “roofless rooms.” The stand-out feature and the secret the house is hiding is a one-of-a-kind pool house with a lap pool that stretches 65 feet, sporting a sparkling galaxy ceiling above. An electrician spent over 2 weeks inside the ceiling drilling small holes to house fiber optic strands of varying thickness. Over 3,000 holes were patterned to imitate the Milky Way. The unique home was a passion project for the owners and was constructed in 2015. The owners are now looking to downsize, so the house has been put on the market for a respectable $15 million.
What Lies Behind the Doors of This Lavish Home Will Surprise You
Nestled among rolling green hills on the outskirts of Perth, Australia, lies an incredible Japanese-inspired estate that hides a secret. The state-of-the-art mansion sits on a picturesque 48-acre property and is made up of a series of interconnected pavilions scattered between landscaped Koi ponds and lush leafy gardens. Designed to embrace the stunning natural sounds, each of the home’s pavilions houses spaces that can be opened up to the outdoors to create “roofless rooms.” The stand-out feature and the secret the house is hiding is a one-of-a-kind pool house with a lap pool that stretches 65 feet, sporting a sparkling galaxy ceiling above. An electrician spent over 2 weeks inside the ceiling drilling small holes to house fiber optic strands of varying thickness. Over 3,000 holes were patterned to imitate the Milky Way. The unique home was a passion project for the owners and was constructed in 2015. The owners are now looking to downsize, so the house has been put on the market for a respectable $15 million.