The Surprising Solution To Ensure Your Tomatoes Stay Fresher Longer

Have you ever bought tomatoes and found them soggy within a few days? With out-of-control inflation, the price of tomatoes has risen by 40%, so perhaps it’s time to take better care of them. One way of ensuring that they last as long as possible is to never, ever put them in the refrigerator. The cold environment can easily degrade the texture of the tomatoes and dampen their flavor, particularly if they’re low quality to begin with. What most people don’t realize is that oxygen goes in through the stem and ripens the tomatoes. To preserve them, you should always store them in a box or plastic container stem side down — this seals off the defect that encourages ripening and will help the tomato to retain all of its juiciness. You can also do this by placing them on a flat surface, like a plate. For the best results, wash the tomatoes off first, and then dry them off to keep any additional moisture out. Finally, place your box or plate in a cool, dry place that’s been lined with a paper towel. This simple procedure should ensure that you get the most bang for your buck.