A bride has been left horrified by her wedding photos, which repeatedly caught her cackling with her mouth wide open. Phoebe Batteson-Brown, from London, shared a series of snapshots taken on her big day, as she issued a warning to others preparing to tie the knot. The 32-year-old urged potential brides to “practice your soft smile” before the ceremony. Social media users were quick to defend the photos, saying they captured the bride’s “utter joy.” For anyone out of the loop, a “soft smile” is defined as “one in which your lips gently curl at the corners of your mouth, on occasion exposing a slight showing of the teeth.” To many, however, a soft smile is elusive and mysterious, something you don’t want to convey on your wedding day.
Newlywed Issues Warning To Other Brides: “Use Your Soft Smile”
A bride has been left horrified by her wedding photos, which repeatedly caught her cackling with her mouth wide open. Phoebe Batteson-Brown, from London, shared a series of snapshots taken on her big day, as she issued a warning to others preparing to tie the knot. The 32-year-old urged potential brides to “practice your soft smile” before the ceremony. Social media users were quick to defend the photos, saying they captured the bride’s “utter joy.” For anyone out of the loop, a “soft smile” is defined as “one in which your lips gently curl at the corners of your mouth, on occasion exposing a slight showing of the teeth.” To many, however, a soft smile is elusive and mysterious, something you don’t want to convey on your wedding day.