How to Get Rid of Ants

Ants invade homes for one reason: food. Whether you left crumbs on the kitchen table or forgot to take the trash out, where there’s food, there are ants. If your home has become infested with ants, don’t worry. Getting rid of them is fast, easy and cheap. Here are some home remedies that will quickly and successfully rid your house of ants using ingredients that are safe to use around babies and pets. 


White Vinegar: Mix a solution of one part white vinegar to one part water or just use straight vinegar. Wipe your counters, tables, appliances and jars with the solution to kill ants and prevent them from returning. Although you won't be able to smell the scent after a while, ants will. 


Hand soap: Spray a soapy water solution into holes and crevices that may be the entry point for ants in your home. Soap is an effective remedy for preventing ants from entering your home, because it removes the scent of ant pheromones, which ants use to communicate with each other. 


Lemon juice: Similar to vinegar and hand soap, lemon juice can remove an ant's scent trail. Mix one part lemon juice with three parts water and spray the solution on entryways or around your home. 


Baking soda: Mix one part baking soda with one part powdered sugar (ants love sweet things) and place it in an area where you see ants. Once they eat the baking soda mix, it will react with an acidic material in their stomachs and usually kills them. 


Cinnamon: You can use two different types of cinnamon to either kill or repel ants. Mix cinnamon essential oil with water to use as a spray on ant trails and around cracks in your home. You can also sprinkle powdered cinnamon around openings, which will suffocate ants when they inhale it. 


Mint: Ants are not fans of mint, especially peppermint. Mix 10 to 20 drops of peppermint essential oils with 2 cups of water and spray the mixture in places where you find ants. Make sure to keep the mixture away from pets. 


Black pepper/cayenne pepper: If you find an anthill in or near your home, sprinkle black pepper or cayenne pepper into their nest. The spicy powder will prevent them from coming back but won't kill them. 


Borax: Although this is not pet or child-friendly, borax is considered a very effective way to kill household ants. That's because borax kills ants slowly so they have time to take the bait back to the colony for other ants to eat. Sprinkle it in powder form or mix 1½ tablespoons of borax with a half-cup of sugar and 1½ cups of warm water. Spray the liquid into ant nests or set it in a small container as bait.