5th Grader Applies To Be Principal of an Elementary School

Ruth Rossmiller has been described as a funny, spunky go-getter, which is exactly why she applied to be the principal at Chief Joseph Elementary School in Great Falls, Montana. When she found out that the current principal, Brian Miller, was going to be leaving to go to a middle school, she filled out the 10-page application, with the help of her mother, and included a cover letter that could rival any adult resume. After she applied, she got a phone call asking her to come in for an interview. “You have a fifth grader sitting in front of a bunch of superintendents and other adults who are masters at their profession, and she’s holding her own,” said Superintendent Tom Moore. Ruth was asked questions like how she would resolve conflict between students and teachers, what she would do if a substitute teacher didn’t show up, and what would be the first thing she would do as principal. Ruth, of course, had great answers and innovative ideas to share with the superintendents. While the district didn’t offer her the full-time position, they did offer her the opportunity to be principal for a day. As for the principal position, Andrea Thares was chosen from among the applicants and will bring 18 years of experience when she begins the job on July 1, 2023.