Man Eating McDonald's for 100 Days to Lose Weight Says It's Absolutely Working

If you’re trying to shed some pounds, the first place you’re likely to cut calories is by saying goodbye to fast-food. Nashville native Kevin Maginnis, however, is doing just the opposite. The 56-year-old is following an all-McDonald's diet. Beginning in late February, Maginnis began documenting his journey on TikTok. His starting weight was 238 pounds and his plan is to eat nothing but McDonald’s for the next 100 days. However, instead of eating everything they give him, Maginnis is going to cut the meal in half to prove to himself and others that it’s not as much what you’re eating as it is how much you're eating. Followers criticized Maginnis for wasting food, but he quickly assured them that the other half of the meal would be heated up and eaten at another time. As for his choice of beverage, he passed on the classic fountain sodas and opted for bottled water. Yesterday marked the 10th day of his diet, at which time he said it’s “absolutely working.” So far, he’s 12½ pounds down. When asked if he had consulted a physician before beginning his diet, he explained that he has encountered cardiologists who love it and those who hate it. Maginnis, who said he used to wrestle, estimates that he’ll be down 50 pounds by the end of the 100 days. “My health will be better, my blood work will be better, and if you don’t believe me, follow along."