Introducing the Wearable Beanbag

A Japanese garment company recently made international headlines for its newest creation: a wearable beanbag that allows you to comfortably sit or lay down anytime, anywhere. During the COVID-19 lock-down, garment company Takikou was inspired by people’s nesting behavior and wanted to create something to make their stay at home as comfortable as possible. Available in three different sizes and various colors, the wearable beanbag is easy to get in and out of, making it ideal for use on the spur of the moment. One thing you need to keep in mind is that the adult version weighs around 11 pounds, so it’s a bit heavier than traditional garments. Demand for the beanbags has skyrocketed, so getting your hands on one could be tricky. They care currently priced at $60 for the small, $75 for the medium, and $120 for the large.