Swedish Government Moves To Get Rid of Permits Needed For Dancing

Sweden's government wants to cut the red tape when it comes to dancing by abolishing a decade-old law that requires restaurants, nightclubs and other venues to obtain permits before they let patrons shimmy and sway. The proposal made last week means that venues no longer would need a license to organize dances. Instead, as a general rule, they would only have to register with the police, which can be done verbally and doesn't cost anything. Currently, a fee of at least 700 kroner ($67) is required for an establishment to obtain a dancing permit. Without a permit, owners face losing their liquor and business licenses. “It's not reasonable for the state to regulate people’s dance,” said Justice Minister Gunnar Strömmer in a government statement. “By removing the requirement for a dance permit, we also reduce bureaucracy and costs for entrepreneurs and others who organize dances.” Swedish media outlets welcomed the move to abolish the dance permits, which have been called outdated and moralistic.