Friends Stage Mock Funeral For a Friend Who Spends All His Time With His Girlfriend

Keiran Cable left his friends behind to dedicate himself to spending time with his new girlfriend, Jess Ferguson. Although he says he can still go out whenever he likes, his friends say he's abandoned them in favor of the fairer sex. That’s when they decided to throw a mock funeral for him, with a group of about 50 “mourners” showing up at a local pub to say farewell. Meanwhile, 20-year-old Keiran showed up to the pub believing he was joining his friends to watch a rugby game, showing them once and for all that he was free to spend his time as he liked. Unbeknownst to Keiran, his friends had secured a vicar, a coffin, and a hearse, as well as producing an order of service with personalized hymns to celebrate his life. They all wore suits to the mock send-off, and a handmade blue coffin had the initials “KC” carved into it. A leaflet handed out to mourners read: "Thoughts are with friends of Keiran at this dark time. However, they shouldn't grieve for him but wish him luck as he continues on in his next life.” Fortunately, Keiran took the mock funeral in stride, as did his girlfriend, and even tried out his coffin for size.