Woman Inherits Stranger’s Fortune Thanks to Genealogy

Lorraine Gesell was initially skeptical when she discovered she was 85-year-old Raymond Howson’s only living relative. Howson had never married or had children, which is likely why he left no will behind. Following his death, Finders International, a probate genealogist firm set out to locate any potential heirs to his substantial estate. Their search led them to Lorraine, a 60-year-old resident of Canada. Her mother had migrated from Ellesmere Port in Cheshire, UK, to Canada back in 1951 and was found to be a first cousin of Howson. That made Lorraine the beneficiary of his £400,000 ($492,746) estate. Researchers explained that if they had not found Lorraine, Howson’s estate would have gone into the government’s unclaimed estates fund. Family members and heirs have 12 years to claim an estate once it has been reported as unclaimed. After that time, the money becomes the property of the government. As for Lorraine, she says her inheritance will be split between a nice vacation and some home improvements.