Pennsylvania Couple Who Divorced in 1975 to Remarry Today

When Fay Gable was growing up in Denver, she knew Robert Wenrich as her older brother’s buddy. Robert told Fay’s brother that he was going to marry his sister someday, and he did. On Nov. 10, 1951, the couple tied the knot and went on to have four children. Then, in 1975, the marriage began to unravel and the pair decided to divorce. Both remarried and went on with their lives, though they occasionally attended their grandkids’ birthday parties and other family functions together. As the years passed, both eventually lost their spouses. That’s when Robert and Fay decided it was time to tie the knot again. Robert turned 94 on Friday, while his once and future bride is 89. Planning the big day has been their daughter Carol's job. She says the couple are “like two teenagers in love.” Originally, the couple planned to marry for the second time at a justice of the peace, but Carol convinced them to do something more befitting of their sweet story. About 80 people will be at their wedding, with most being family. “People might have not wanted to go through what we went through before we got to this point,” said Fay, “but I’m really glad we're here now.”