Mercedes Cars Are Being Fitted With Sensors That Will Sound An Alarm if a Child is Left Inside

Cutting-edge technology in a new Mercedes car will help reduce the potentially deadly risk of children being left inside. The car’s “Child Presence Detection” (CPD) system uses sensors to detect any breathing in the cabin and is designed to stop drivers from forgetting their children, which can be particularly dangerous in hot weather. The technology in the forthcoming CLA coupe detects a child in the vehicle through their distinctive breathing pattern, while cameras check whether there’s an adult with them. Its sensors are so sensitive that they can even pick up a sleeping newborn baby. The system offers a reminder when the car is turned off, and if the driver leaves and locks the vehicle with a child still inside, alerts are sent to the owner’s smartphone. If the cabin temperature exceeds a critical point, the air conditioning kicks in and the car’s horn and lights are activated as a way of alerting passersby. If the child remains in the car, the Mercedes SOS call center is notified and emergency services are dispatched.