In case you’re not familiar, there are several image formats that appear online. Most people are used to saving files as JPG or PNG, but now there’s a new kid in town that’s driving everybody crazy: WebP. WebP, like most things, started out as a good idea. Google announced WebP back in 2010 as a more efficient image compression format, but what they didn’t account for is just how often the format would be rejected because it's not supported. Most people who deal heavily in images feel the same way: who cares if the file is 10% faster loading if you can’t download it?? The hatred that most tech people have for the WebP format is unreal. Comments abound on social media, like: “WebP was created by the devil in a contest to make the world’s worst file format.” Unfortunately, most image editor programs today don’t recognize the file, and the only recommendation so far has been: “Use a program that will convert WebP to JPG or PNG.” Of course, nobody wants to go through that labor-intensive process just to save an image file. About the best you can do these days is to install an extension that will give you the option of saving image files as JPG or PNG, skipping WebP altogether.
The Most Hated Image Format in Technology and Why People Are Sick of It
In case you’re not familiar, there are several image formats that appear online. Most people are used to saving files as JPG or PNG, but now there’s a new kid in town that’s driving everybody crazy: WebP. WebP, like most things, started out as a good idea. Google announced WebP back in 2010 as a more efficient image compression format, but what they didn’t account for is just how often the format would be rejected because it's not supported. Most people who deal heavily in images feel the same way: who cares if the file is 10% faster loading if you can’t download it?? The hatred that most tech people have for the WebP format is unreal. Comments abound on social media, like: “WebP was created by the devil in a contest to make the world’s worst file format.” Unfortunately, most image editor programs today don’t recognize the file, and the only recommendation so far has been: “Use a program that will convert WebP to JPG or PNG.” Of course, nobody wants to go through that labor-intensive process just to save an image file. About the best you can do these days is to install an extension that will give you the option of saving image files as JPG or PNG, skipping WebP altogether.