Woman Charged with Assault for Accidentally Spraying Her Neighbor with a Water Gun

On September 1, Wendy Washik, an educational assistant from Simcoe, Ontario, was playing with some children during a backyard barbecue when she accidentally sprayed a neighbor in the chest with a water gun as he was mowing his lawn. The 58-year-old claims she apologized immediately, but the man kept screaming at her and went into his house to call the police. When the Ontario Provincial Police arrived, the man claimed he had been physically assaulted. Washik said police didn’t even ask to see the water gun before charging her. The incident has taken a heavy toll on Washik. Because she works as an educational assistant, she can’t return to work until the case is settled. Washik’s family has been trying to raise money for her legal fees as she is scheduled to appear in court on September 24.