Song Stuck in Your Head? “Earworm Eraser” Claims to Get Rid of It

There’s nothing more frustrating than being stuck with the same song rattling around your head for hours at a time. “Earworms" are when a song or tune replays over and over in a person’s mind. It can often be the main hook of the song, such as the chorus. Notable earworms include “Shake It Off” by Taylor Swift, “Call Me Maybe” by Carly Rae Jepsen, and “Don’t Stop Believin’” by Journey. For those who find themselves at the mercy of a particular persistent earworm, there’s now a solution. “Earworm Eraser,” developed by music psychologist Dr. Kelly Jakubowski at Durham University in the UK, claims to be able to scrub any earworm from your brain in just seconds. The 42-second video features a jumbled mess of musical styles designed to delete the song from the listener’s mind, all accompanied by a bizarre animation. So, if you happen to have a tune trapped in your brain, watch the video to see if it can bring you some relief. While it might not work for everyone, there are a good many success stories of how the video relieved earworm sufferers almost instantly.