Bed bugs are known as disgusting insects that no one wants in their home, but the parents of some high school students say the insects are showing up inside their kids’ laptops. The bed bugs were discovered in Google Chromebooks that were stored in the media center of Riverside High School in Durham, NC. The laptops were issued during freshman orientation before classes began on August 26. Now the school is asking for the newly-issued laptops to be returned for cleaning and are encouraging families to inspect their homes. According to pest control experts at Terminix, bed bugs hide in the tiny gaps and openings of laptops and other electronics, although they will eventually leave to seek out a blood host. Durham Public Schools is working closely with pest control experts to implement preventive measures to ensure this doesn’t happen again.
Bed Bugs Found Inside Chromebook Laptops for High School Students
Bed bugs are known as disgusting insects that no one wants in their home, but the parents of some high school students say the insects are showing up inside their kids’ laptops. The bed bugs were discovered in Google Chromebooks that were stored in the media center of Riverside High School in Durham, NC. The laptops were issued during freshman orientation before classes began on August 26. Now the school is asking for the newly-issued laptops to be returned for cleaning and are encouraging families to inspect their homes. According to pest control experts at Terminix, bed bugs hide in the tiny gaps and openings of laptops and other electronics, although they will eventually leave to seek out a blood host. Durham Public Schools is working closely with pest control experts to implement preventive measures to ensure this doesn’t happen again.