Florida Police Tell People To Stop Taking Selfies With Depressed Black Bear

Police in Florida are urging people to stop taking selfies with a depressed black bear spotted loitering somberly on a roadside. The unhappy animal took up residence on the north side of Highway 98 in Santa Rosa Beach earlier this week and quickly attracted unwanted attention from passing motorists. Onlookers were trying to take selfies with the hear, and he’s clearly not in the mood for pictures. In fact, the animal is showing signs of severe stress. Rangers from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC) were dispatched to investigate after receiving a call from the Santa Rosa Sheriff’s Office. An FWC spokesperson said in a statement that by the time its officers and biologists arrived, the bear and disappeared into the woods. Based on the images shared with FWC, the staff said the bear didn’t appear to be injured, but may have simply been overheated and was resting before moving on. Black bears are a common sight in many areas of Florida, especially in the spring and summer when juveniles begin to leave home and seek out new habitats. “If you see a bear, give it space, don’t try to approach it and never feed it,” advised FWC.