Expert Reveals Ingenious Way To Start Your Car With a Dead Key Fob

Sam Herrera, an employee at Elmhurst BMW in Elmhurst, Illinois, proved that you can start your vehicle with a dead key fob. He says you just have to stick the key fob onto the steering wheel, press its key icon, put your foot on the brake, and hit the vehicle’s start button. This method works not only if the key fob is dead, but also if the vehicle can’t read the battery. Key fobs are electronic devices that allow someone to control a car without using actual keys. These tiny devices have become more common in modern vehicles, so Herrera’s tip is priceless. A regular key fob can usually operate for 4-6 years, and smart key fobs typically last for 2-3 years. Factors like poor signal strength, delays in locking and unlocking a vehicle, and needing multiple clicks are things to look out for when questioning a key fob battery.