Bizarre Designs That Should Never Have Made It Off the Drawing Board

Sometimes people get creative and want to design something totally out of the ordinary. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always work out. Instead, ideas that were meant to be artful or unique look more terrifying or useless. People from around the world have taken to social media to post the design fails they’ve spotted. Below are some of the best — or should we say the worst — designs that have been attempted. They will leave you scratching your head and wondering, “What were they THINKING!??”
A flower bed made from an umbrella?

Someone decorated their car steering wheel with stones, but what happens if the airbag goes off?

Okay, it doesn’t get more creepy than a baby doll nightlight. Can you say horror movie?

A 9-year-old girl shows off her skills with the Bedazzler. Talk about a challenge finding the buttons!

If you don’t have a butcher block but do have some spare books, you, too, can create your own knife holder.

This invention gives the idea of mint toothpaste a whole different meaning.

This looks like something Kathy Ritchie would do!

Need a hand changing gears?

Why throw out all your old reading glasses when you can make a chandelier?