Woman Loses 217 Pounds Using Almonds To Turn Off Cravings

We’ve heard there’s no magic pill for weight loss — including Ozempic — but what about a nut? Arizona social worker Amy Sather says that snacking on almonds was the most effective trick she used to drop 217 pounds and get off diabetes medication. “I needed a snack I could carry with me, something I enjoyed and that filled me up enough to keep me from going to the drive-thru,” said Amy. She went on to say that her nutritionist said almonds were perfect for someone with diabetes because the mixture of good fat, protein, fiber, antioxidants and other nutrients help slow and flatten the spike in blood sugar after a meal. When blood sugar is well controlled, hunger and unhealthy cravings disappear. On top of that, the nutrients in almonds trigger the release of special peptides that make us feel satisfied and less interested in processed foods. Amy is down from a size 32 to a size 8 and plans to keep almonds in her diet from now on. She shared a recipe for almond bars that make an ultra-satisfying snack or dessert. 

 Servings: 10 



  • • 1¼ cups chopped almonds 
  • • ⅓ cup allulose or zero-carb sweetener to taste 
  • • ½ cup salted almond butter 
  • • 1 egg, beaten 
  • • 2 Tbs. chia seeds 
  • • ¼ cup zero-sugar chocolate chips, optional 



  • • Toast almonds on a baking sheet at 375ºF for 10 minutes. 
  • • Mix allulose, nut butter and egg. 
  • • Fold in toasted almonds, chia seeds and chocolate chips. 
  •  • Firmly press into a lined 8×8 pan. 
  • • Bake at 350º until just set, 15 minutes. 
  • • Cool and slice.