Mom Sparks Furious Debate After Revealing Chores She Asked Her Babysitter To Do

There’s nothing better than a two-for-one deal, but one working mom’s attempt to turn her babysitter into a housekeeper has sparked a wave of backlash after she revealed the very lengthy list of chores she left for her. Katrina Ivan (pictured) explained that she works as a teacher and also has a small business on the side, leaving her little time to clean up her messy house. So, in an effort to kill two birds with one stone, she made a list of chores for her babysitter, with each task ranging from $3 to $15. Ivan said she was simply giving her babysitter the opportunity to make some extra cash. The babysitter currently makes $28.75 an hour, with a typical evening earning her $75. Although some social media users loved the idea, with ex-babysitters saying they wished they would have had that option when they were babysitting, others were appalled by the prices Ivan proposed. One commenter said, “Those are 1990 prices,” while another wrote, “I think $10 is too cheap for some of these tasks, considering the amount of work/size of the mess.” Ivan listened and immediately changed some of the items, including updating the price of vacuuming from from $3 to $10. We have to remember that Ivan did give the babysitter the option to “just hang out and watch TV all night.”