When a Death Row Inmate’s Last Meal Request Was Denied, the Public Stepped Up and Honored It

When Philip Workman requested that his last meal be a vegetarian pizza donated to any homeless person located near Riverbend Maximum Security Institution in Nashville, Tenn., prison officials refused to honor his request, saying they don’t donate to charities. That upset a few people, who stepped up by paying for a lot of pizzas to be delivered. Word spread like wildfire, and before long homeless shelters across Nashville were inundated with donated pizzas. In fact, by the time it was all over, $1,200 worth of pies had been handed out to the homeless. Workman, 53, spent 26 years on death row for an armed robbery he committed at a Wendy’s while high on cocaine. Officer Ronald Oliver, who responded to the call, was shot and killed in a scuffle. During his years in prison, Workman became a Christian, and in the end was simply trying to do a good deed. Fortunately, there were people kind enough to help him get the job done.