Man Sustains Car Crash Injuries..........Tripping Over His Cat

A UK man miraculously survived after sustaining a broken neck, fractured spine, smashed ribs, blood in his lungs, and other injuries typically associated with automobile accidents — all after tripping over his cat. Chris Rowley says he can’t remember much, just falling fast. The freak “Apocalypse Meow” reportedly occurred while the professional musician was home alone with his hairless Egyptian sphinx kitten named Eric. Disaster struck after the wrinkly kitty — apparently feeling playful — dove out and latched onto one of Rowley’s legs while he was coming down the stairs. The 59-year-old lost his footing and tumbled down 14 steps before landing at the bottom, where he was unable to move. The massively injured Rowley didn’t realize the extent of his injuries until paramedics told him that they were typical of patients who have suffered severe car crashes. Eric, meanwhile, was completely unharmed. With Rowley’s wife at work, he had to lie unattended for a whopping 14 hours before his wife arrived home and discovered her husband at the bottom of the stairs. As if the injuries weren’t enough, Eric began stomping on Rowley’s chest, presumably out of concern. Doctors say it will be 6-12 months until Rowley is back on his feet. Despite his debilitating condition, he doesn’t harbor any ill will towards Eric.