A Flight Attendant Explains the Clever Reason You Should Put One Shoe in Your Hotel Safe

There’s no question that social media can churn out what people call “life hacks,” and among the latest is a tip about staying in a hotel. A flight attendant identified only as Esther has provided a foolproof hack for travelers: put your valuables in your shoe and leave the shoe in your hotel room safe. The genius in the idea is that no one will leave without their shoes. Tricking yourself into checking the safe before departing, is a surefire way to make sure that you remember to take your valuables with you. Additional tips she gave included using a hanger with clips to fully close hotel curtains in the room for privacy or to maintain complete darkness. She also had a recommendation for those traveling internationally without the right power adapter for the country, showing that guests could plug in a USB cable to the TV in a hotel room to charge their phone. Finally, the flight attendant also showed the numerous uses for a shower cap, including using it as a shoe cover or as a TV remote cover, creating a germ-free way to operate the TV.