Virtual Windows Let You Add Stunning Views Where There Are None

Modern problems require modern solutions, and when it comes to the lack of windows or desirable views, LiquidViews has a solution: virtual windows. High-resolution digital windows give users the chance to wake up to virtually any view imaginable, even if they have no conventional windows. Consisting primarily of a series of high-resolution digital panels and a kit to make them blend seamlessly into any space, the virtual window also offers users access to a subscription-based content library featuring beautiful locations all over the world. Accessible via a dedicated smartphone app, the library syncs with your local time to offer an immersive experience. Each view is photographed by National Geographic level cinematographers with feature film motion picture cameras, over a 24-hour period, recording an entire day in stunning 8K video. To add to the unpredictability of looking out a window, views are augmented with photo-realistic content that appears randomly throughout the day. Each smart window comes with a trim-ready installation kit, one or several high-quality 4K Sony commercial displays — depending on the chosen model — and access to the company’s content library. The cost for a single-panel Virtual Window is $25,000, while the larger, 3-panel option is $100,000.