Meet Nanny McPhee, the One-of-a-Kind Cat With Two Noses

The staff at the Warrington Adoption Center in Warrington, UK, received a 4-year-old Tuxedo cat after her owners were unable to care for her due to health and financial circumstances. After close examination, senior field veterinary officer Fiona Brockbank made a startling discovery: the cat has two noses. The staff named the double-snouted feline Nanny McPhee after the fictional film character with a distinctively shaped nose. Described as a “gentle lady,” the feline Nanny McPhee has captured the hearts of the shelter staff. Brockbank is confident that because of Nanny McPhee's new-found fame, there will be no shortage of potential adopters. While congenital malformations like a cleft lip or cleft palate are fairly common in cats, those with a double nose are a rarity. The good news is that Nanny McPhee’s dual schnoz isn’t causing her any problems.