Two Men Scam Uber Eats Out of $1 Million

Florida is a literal hotspot for funny, disturbing, and downright ridiculous headlines. The latest Sunshine State debacle involves two men and Uber Eats. Apparently, 21-year-old Trayon Morgan and 38-year-old Roy Blackwood bilked the delivery app out of over $1 million with a scam that took place over 19 months. According to investigators, the fraud started in January 2022 and took place mainly in Broward and Palm Beach Counties. Deputies said Morgan used the Uber Eats app and acted as the customer and the courier. He would place a grocery order as a consumer for pickup under a fake account and then accept the order as the courier. Uber would then provide Morgan with a pre-authorized and preloaded credit card to make the purchase. Morgan could purchase up to $700 during a single purchase. Then, as the consumer, he would cancel the order and buy a gift card with the Uber credit card. On several occasions, Blackwood would drive Morgan to different Walgreens to commit the fraud. Detectives conducted a surveillance operation and saw Morgan and Blackwood travel to 27 different Walgreens committing fraud that resulted in a $5,013.28 loss for Uber that day. Both men were apprehended and charged with organized scheme to defraud and grand theft.