Would You Spend the Night In America’s Scariest Motel?

If you have a fear of clowns, the Clown Motel in Tonopah, Nev., isn’t the motel for you. The motel prides itself on being listed as “America’s scariest motel.” The unsettling atmosphere contains more than 3,000 clowns of all shapes and sizes on display. Making things even more odd, the motel looks out over a cemetery where 300 people have been buried beneath leaning crosses and tin signs. Several of those buried there died of a mysterious plague in 1902, and 14 of them were miners who died in a fire in 1911. Owner Hame Anand says people send him clowns from all over the world, which he then puts on display. The priciest “suite” is Room 210, which rents for $130 a night. The room has been modeled after the 1978 horror film Halloween, complete with a mural of serial killer Michael Myers on the wall. Other themed rooms include “The It,” “The Exorcist,” and “Friday the 13th.” As for the comfort level of the motel, it’s been described as “a slightly updated Motel 6.” If you happen to be into ghost-hunting, you can rent an EMF ghost-detecting device for $35 a day, but there are no guarantees that it will detect anything.