This Remote Island is the Only Place in the U.S. Where You’re Born With Dual Citizenship

Make your way around Maine and you’ll come across plenty of oddities, but the strangest one exists on the remote island of Machias Seal Island. About 10 miles off the coast of Cutler, Maine, the island is the only disputed territory remaining between the U.S. and Canada. That’s why anyone born on the island has a very interesting privilege: dual citizenship. However, before you go planning a baby shower on the remote island, there are a few things you should know. Only 15 guests per country are allowed on the island on any given day and visitors are relegated to designated boardwalks. That’s because Puffins have been using Machias Seal Island as their breeding ground for nearly 200 years. Since Puffins rule the island and tourism is kept at a minimum, it’s highly unlikely that you’re going to give birth on Machias Seal Island, which means your bundle of joy won’t be claiming dual citizenship.