Pie in the Sky: Dining 262 Feet Over a Thundering Waterfall

If you have a fear of heights, this experience would be no picnic. This Florida couple can be seen sipping on wine and digging into a picnic spread while hanging over Cascata da Depultura, a waterfall in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The couple booked the experience through local adventure firm Rota Adventura, which describes it as a “non-traditional picnic in the middle of the most beautiful waterfall there is.” The couple revealed that they were looking for things to do in Brazil that were different, and you can’t get more different than dining over a waterfall. The couple drove a 4X4 dune buggy to reach the waterfall, after which they had to briefly walk through the river itself to reach the zip-line platform that’s built into the waterfall’s edge. The couple then strapped into a harness and took a seat on the picnic table, which was secured to the zip-line. The picnic included fruit, vegetables, cheese and crackers, small sandwiches, and wine. While the experience is only 15 minutes long, it’s more about the scenery than the food. The waterfall picnic set the couple back a whopping $450, which included photography and drone footage.