Make Quick French Toast With Melted Ice Cream

There are countless recipes for French toast out there, but this one might be the last one you'll ever need. Besides the bread, this recipe calls for two ingredients, and you can have any flavor you want without adding an extra component — that is, any flavor you can find in your ice cream aisle. French toast is made with dried out bread dipped into a sweetened egg custard, but after that the recipes split off. Do you add milk? How about heavy cream? Should you sweeten the custard with brown sugar or maple syrup? Add vanilla, no vanilla? You can make custard with 12 ingredients, or you can simply use a ready-made creamy liquid called melted ice cream. Don’t worry, it also works with non-dairy “frozen desserts.” 

Melted Ice Cream French Toast 

  • • ¼ cup ice cream, melted 
  • • 1 egg, scrambled 
  • • 2 slices of brioche 
  • • Butter for frying 
  • • In a wide, medium bowl, whisk the egg into the ice cream. 
  • • Soak the slices of bread in the custard. 
  • • Over medium-low heat, melt the butter in the frying pan. 
  • • Fry the bread for about 2 minutes or until browned and the custard has cooked through. 
  • • Cool briefly and serve.