Airborne Fish Sparks New Jersey Power Outage

An incident involving a bird gave new meaning to the term “fish fry” after an electric company suspected an osprey of dropping its meal onto power lines and triggering an outage in a New Jersey neighborhood. A fish that fell from a bird’s grip landed on a transponder in Sayreville, located just southwest of New York’s Staten Island. The outage impacted around 2,100 people and lasted less than 2 hours. The Sayreville Police Department poked fun at the incident on Facebook, naming the deceased fish Gilligan and pointing a finger at an osprey as “the suspect,” which was “last seen flying south,” the post read. “Please let us not forget the victim in this senseless death,” the police department’s post said. “Gilligan was a hard-working family man. He was a father to thousands of children.” Jersey Central Power and Light Company offered its sympathy to the osprey for losing its lunch over Sayreville.