Woman Survives 5 Days In the Australian Wilderness On Candy and Wine

A 48-year-old woman identified only as Lillian recently set off on what was intended to be a short day trip to Dartmouth Dam in Victoria, Australia. Unfortunately, a wrong turn led her down a dead-end road into the Mitta Mitta bushland. As she attempted to turn her car around, it became stuck in the mud. That left her stranded in an unfamiliar and remote area with no cell service to call for help. Lillian soon found herself faced with the challenge of surviving on her own. Planning for a 2-hour drive, she had limited provisions with her, including some candy and a bottle of wine. Interestingly, Lillian is not a drinker. The wine was intended as a gift for her mother. Of course, when you’re lost in the woods with a bottle of wine and no way out, it’s probably pretty easy to become a drinker. Lillian eventually consumed the entire bottle of wine, as it was her only source of liquid throughout her ordeal. The candy provided some sustenance, albeit in small quantities. Lillian’s situation was further complicated by health issues that made it difficult for her to walk very far. She utilized her car’s heater during the chilly nights, which ensured that she stayed warm in temperatures as low as 35ยบ F. Her family reported her missing when she failed to make her daily check-in call, and that prompted an extensive search by local authorities. After 5 long days, a police helicopter spotted Lillian standing on a dirt road, waving her arms for help. She was transported to the hospital for observation and to be treated for dehydration. Lillian’s survival in the Australian wilderness serves as a reminder that even in the most challenging circumstances, resilience, resourcefulness, and…..well…..wine….can lead to a remarkable outcome.